Marlyand AGC Member Benefits
Enjoy all we have to offer.

Safety Services
Work Safe, Stay Safe. Here at Maryland AGC we make that statement all day, every day. MDAGC offers a wide range of safety training and safety education ranging from First Aid/CPR, 10/30 OSHA, Lockout/Tagout, NFPA 70E, EM385 Fall Protection CP,24/40-hour Hazwoper to name but a few. We believe by partnering with HazTek Inc., a member company who places Safety First, solidifies our commitment to safety. Together we are working to ensure our members have the opportunity to create a safety culture that engages ALL employees and improves well-being, performance, productivity and protects your most valuable resource…Your Team!

Benefit Plans
MDAGC is committed to help you save time & money. We are offering a creative approach for group-level medical, dental, vision, life. short- and long-term disability benefits. However, your company will maintain your independence, we are using volume enrollment to leverage overall cost savings. You and your employees have access to Claims Advocacy I Dedicated Employee Concierge Support I Custom Online Portal I Compliance Oversight & Support.

401K Plan
A Powerful Solution to Save YOU Time & Money! MDAGC Members 401(k) Program is a solution that we believe can help our members reduce their fiduciary and administrative responsibilities while offering an effective and competitive 401(k) plan benefit for their employees. To that end Maryland AGC has joined forces with the Lincoln Financial Group & Merrill Lynch to provide a more cost-effective option for you and your team.

Education & Training
As a leader of industry best practices, AGC offers numerous training programs and accredited credentials for professionals of all backgrounds and areas of expertise. Increase profits and productivity with bestin class training and education, peer-driven best practicing, and access to owners. What do we offer – Building Information Modeling (BIM) Construction Supervision Fundamentals (CSF) Project Scheduling Project Management Advanced Management & Leadership CQM for Contractors

Industry Engagement
Who is Your Voice in Annapolis & on Capitol Hill? Answer - MDAGC & AGCofA If you do business in Maryland and you are not connected with the Maryland AGC, then you are not connected! You can bet, many of your competitors, your customers and your peers are members! Your best source for economic & workforce data. Engage with a network of industry peers to address key issues impacting your business. Meet Decision makers and industry leaders & explore new business prospects. Joining MDAGC means having the entire industry right at your fingertips. Ready to Join?
AGC Members Saved Over 11.4 Million Dollars Last Year Using AGC Member Discount Programs
AGC’s Membership Discount Program’s provide members access to high-quality services, cutting-edge technology and top-of-the-line products. From discounts on vehicles to office supplies to cloud-based construction management solutions, AGC has partnered with some of the best to give you the most for your money and improve your daily business operations.
When it comes to your company’s bottom-line, your membership in AGC pays dividends. These value added discounts will give you the competitive advantage over your competition.